A comprehensive planning history for your site in an easy to use report format. Contains HS2 and Crossrail information alongside planning constraints data on environmentally, visually and culturally designated sites.
Planview provides detailed planning application information highlighting likely planning and development changes within the vicinity of the commercial property
The report highlights house extensions, small and large developments within the last 7 years, data on Air Quality Management Areas and modelled data and planning constraints such as Listed Buildings and Building Conservation Areas.
Our intelligent locality information allows for variable search distances depending on the property’s location:
Planning applications fall under 5 categories:
Home improver: where the application relates to an existing dwelling and includes householder or permitted development applications for works including extensions, alterations, conversation, repairs etc.
Small residential: 1-2 new dwellings
Medium residential: 3-9 new dwellings
Large residential: 10 + new dwellings
Mixed & commercial: all other applications
Key Features:
- Planning development extents:
- Boundary extents for many development projects.
- Improved accuracy highlighting the area of land to be developed
- House extension and project planning applications from the last 10 years
- Planning constraints including Green Belt, National Parks, Conservation Areas and Listed Buildings
- Detailed radon potential data
- Local information including education, transport, recreation, retail and entertainment
- Local Authority data including Council Tax bands and police force
- Air Quality Management Areas and modelled data
Key Benefits
- Improved accuracy using Land Registry polygons
- Plain English making this report easier to read and understand
- Site boundary on MasterMap – enables a clear identification of boundary for title
- Intuitive layout and page flow
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*£110+VAT (Up to 15 Ha), 15-50ha £145, 50-100ha £275, 100+ha POA. **Reliance: £10m Professional Indemnity Insurance. Can be relied upon by all professional parties within a property transaction, first purchasers / tenants and their advisers. Please refer to Groundsure terms & conditions. Delivery time in normal working days.
- RRP From £117.70 +VAT*
- Delivery Time <24 hours
- Reliance £10m**
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