Clients seeking to develop a site may require a Phase 1 Preliminary Risk Assessment to support a planning application or discharge a planning condition. Also, prudent developers will complete a Phase 1 report to discharge their obligations under the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) to demonstrate that a development site is suitable for its proposed use.

Our report provides a clear, concise overview of the potential for contamination and is completed in accordance with the Environment Agency’s Contaminated Land: Risk Management. 

Our Projects team is always available to answer any queries, please contact us to talk to a member of the team.

Key features include:

  • A detailed review of all available historic and environmental data,
  • Site walkover by a suitably qualified and experienced consultant,
  • Consultations with relevant environmental regulators,
  • Qualitative risk assessment for the property is known as a Conceptual Site Model (CSM),
  • Recommendations for mitigation actions and costings, where appropriate.


  • Includes a complete Groundsure Insight Pack, 
  • Review of site-specific requirements by a qualified and accredited consultant

For more information please contact us