Many will have become very familiar with the product ordering experience from or as it is more commonly known, Groundsure Insights.

The Groundsure Insights platform was launched in 2014 and has been pivotal for serving our environmental, geological and mapping data products, as well as some of our printed products to the market.

In the time that it has been live, tens of thousands of people have used it to purchase hundreds of thousands of reports, data and printed plans – not including all the reports manually fulfilled for large sites.

This just goes to show how Groundsure Insights has formed the backbone of many people’s daily workflows throughout the last decade. 

If you have logged in recently you may have noticed a new banner at the top of the page giving notice that the insights platform is being switched off.

This decision to retire Groundsure Insights has come partly from necessity, due to the age of the technology behind the current site, but also wanting to improve the user experience and make some long-needed improvement – which is where comes in. was first launched as a beta service in 2018 as a replacement for the Environment Agency What’s In My Backyard online data viewer service. In November 2023, we decided to make this fully operational and include product ordering.

Already thousands of users are enjoying the benefits of:

You can view a walkthrough of the ordering process and the variety of drawing tools for site definition available on our Youtube channel.

As part of the Groundsure Insights switch off process we have contacted various account holders with the next steps that they need to take. If you have not received an email or are unsure what you need to do please contact our Customer Support team.